Wednesday, August 12, 2015

YOU Are Their VOICE!

Grrr! Can I just rant for a second?

I debated posting this for the sake of Rainey's personal information, but I would like everyone to know just how horrible and disgusting our healthcare is here. I would also like to address the fact that we as parents need to stand up for our children. Their little bodies and voices can't be heard, especially in the medical field. It is our responsibility to take control and make things right for them.

I just got back from Rainey's speech therapist early this morning requesting their reports they have done on her. When I received the stack of papers I didn't read it at first. As I was walking out of the hospital with James I read through her "problems" so they listed them. It read:

- Developmental delay
- Autism
- Speech delay
- Seizure disorder
- Gross motor skills delay
- Fine motor skills delay
and so on...

... but what irritated me was the fact that a speech therapist put in BOLD CAPITAL letters the word OBESITY.

How is an almost three year old obese and why would this pertain to a speech therapist? Now, before you say in your snarky know-it-all voice, Well she is probably a food therapist as well. No, no she isn't. And I know that for a fact. We have our own food therapist and she has never labeled our daughter obese or had worries of obesity.

Our main concern out of all of those is her seizure disorder, not her weight. We have been battling for almost two year with her seizures. Her seizure have been causing a speech and developmental delay, thus needing a speech therapist and in home developmental therapist. For a speech therapist to mention her weight is none of her business and for her speech therapist to label her something that she isn't is not right.

Yes, as Rainey's mother I have had concerns for her weight. I'm not going to hide the truth. In the past I have spoken to her pediatrician many times. Each and every time they have told me not to worry. They see this all the time with children and would never label a child obese or overweight until after they started 1st grade. This assured me that Rainey would be okay and just like her father, once she starts school she will easily shed her baby weight. That's all it is. Baby weight!

I get it. Most of America, 68.8%, is over weight. Not enough exercise and too much McDonald's can do that to ya. But let me just say, we are a healthy family. We eat good, we exercise, we play, we run, we hike, we jog, we chase, we climb, and we have fun.

I will admit, my little Rainey is bigger than all of her friends her age; but not hugely bigger or in correct terms, obese. She has baby weight. Again, BABY WEIGHT! Some children hold on to their baby chub longer than others. So, does that give someone, even a professional, the right to call my child obese? Heck no!

Any person can see that our sweet Rainey isn't skin and bones, but when you are in a profession where you are working with special children, you need to be more aware of what you are labeling them. Be professional and be sensitive. No professional would or should label a two year old obese.

I am her voice. I am the one who has to stand up for my child and protect her. This speech therapist's write up was uncalled for and, quite frankly, disgusting. I will be writing a formal complaint and I will be talking to her speech therapist in person.

Whether a child be autistic, handicapped, a little on the fluffy side, or struggling with speech delays; we should ALL be sympathetic and have a voice for these children!

Rant over.